Spiritual Gardens- Astilbe

2 min readAug 29, 2023


Found on the grounds of Solel Congregation In Ontario, Canada, astilbe is a plant native to North America and Asia. Astilbe requires moist soil, so it is often found in ravines, pond sides, and woodlands. Astilbes are a popular choice for decoration and flower bouquets- there often used to give more color to gardens.

Identifying Astilbes

  • Perennial flowers
  • Fern like structure
  • Leaves can be red or bronze
  • Stems are upright and tall
  • Dense airy plumes
  • Variations in color and size (no smaller than 1 foot)

Planting Astilbes

Since astilbes are often placed in gardens purposefully, here are ways to ensure your astilbes will grow.

  • Astilbes need rich soil that can drain well.
  • They should be planted in an area that receives morning sun and afternoon shade.
  • The soil needs to slightly acidic.
  • The soil should be kept moist with compost added occasionally to it.
  • The plants should be divided every 4 years.
  • It is better to plant divisions rather than seeds.

Varieties of Astilbes

  • Dwarf: Sprite, Hennie, Pumila, Visions ( 1.5–2 feet high)
  • Medium: Delft Lace, Chocolate Shogun, Bridal Veil, Fanal (2 feet high)
  • Large: Purple Candles, Superba (4–5 feet high)
  • Astilbe flowers may be found in colors: white, pink, red, violet, and peach

Medicinal Uses

  • The roots of the plant are boiled for aromatherapy and consumption for treatment of fever and headache.
  • The roots may also be brewed to be used as an anti inflammatory.
  • Astilbe aromatherapy is believed to calm and soothe anxieties.
  • Astilbe is also given in tea to stop bleeding after childbirth. Astilbe tea is made with the leaves.


  • Astilbes carry with them an association with serenity.
  • They are also believed to encourage understanding and empathy for others’ emotions.
  • Astilbes are also used as a gift to show gratitude, and thankfulness.
  • White astilbe flowers represent purity, innocence, and elegance.
  • Pink astilbe flowers represent motherly love, romance, affection, and admiration.
  • Red astilbe flowers represent passion, desire, strong love, intensity, and vitality.
  • Violet astilbes represent calmness, grace, beauty, and refinement.
  • Peach astilbes represent friendship, gratitude, and sociability. They are given as gifts to celebrate a close bond.

